Cirrus Tech, Inc. was founded in 1997 with the sole purpose of developing superior warehouse software and providing high quality support for our clients. After 16 years of success implementing and integrating warehouse and distribution center software projects across varying industries, we acquired a deep understanding of warehouse and distribution center processes and procedures. With these experiences and insights in hand, we built a strong reputation of having highly skilled, dedicated professionals that design and customize best-in-class warehouse software solutions.

In 2012 Darrell Dunham designed the first ever Crane System for the beverage distribution industry for Eagle Distributing of Shreveport in Shreveport, LA. Darrell worked with the Eagle Distributing of Shreveport team to design the most optimal automated Crane System and layout for the warehouse. Cirrus Tech provided the technical installation of PLC’s and WCS software to operate and control the Crane, voice picking software to pick the entire warehouse, and a Warehouse Management System to manage and control all the inventory in the warehouse.
In 2013 Darrell Dunham took ownership of Cirrus Tech combining world class warehouse automation experience with state of the art software and technology. His primary focus was to provide turnkey, best-in-class automation and software solutions for warehouse and distribution centers.
With the new ownership brought a commitment to partnership and a focus on providing high quality services, solutions, and 24/7/365 support.
In the fall of 2013, Cirrus Tech, Inc. signed its first Beverage Distribution customer, Eagle Rock Distributing in Norcross, GA, providing them with a Warehouse Management System (WMS). In the spring of 2014 Eagle Rock Distributing chose to put in the Cirrus Order Picking solution as well.

In July 2015 Bruce Nelsen, CEO of Eagle Distributing in Nebraska, chose the Cirrus Crane System to automate their storage, receiving, product rotation, and replenishment process. The implementation was completed in April 2016 and is the first next generation Crane System installed in a beer distributor warehouse in the U.S.
In June 2016 LDF Sales & Distributing Company signed with Cirrus Tech, Inc. to implement a Cirrus Crane System in their Tulsa, OK warehouse. The CEO, Larry Fleming, chose Cirrus Tech as a partner with the Crane System to provide him with more space and efficiencies in his warehouse. Mr. Fleming said the gained space and efficiencies will allow him to pay for the automated system in less than 4 years.
Cirrus Tech Completes J. J. Taylor Distributing Crane System Install
Cirrus Tech completed the the J. J. Taylor Distributing in Ft. Myers, FL Crane System, Cirrus Directed Picking System, and Cirrus WMS implementation in the first half of 2017. The Cirrus Tech team will continue to provide support for the system and software implementations. J. J. Taylor Distributing has been a wonderful partner to work with throughout the implementation process.
Cirrus Tech Signs Fisher59 with The Cirrus Tech Crane System
On December 18th, 2017 Fisher59 signed with Cirrus Tech, Inc. with The Cirrus Tech Crane System solution for their new build warehouse in Denton, TX. The new construction of the building and The Crane System was completed in December of 2019.
Cherokee Distributing Chooses The Cirrus Tech Crane System
Cherokee Distributing Company signed on to purchase The Cirrus Tech Crane System on May 10th, 2018 for their Knoxville, TN warehouse. The Crane System will provide significant future growth storage and replenishment efficiences for many years to come.
J. J. Taylor Distributing Chooses Cirrus Tech a Second Time for Automation
We are proud to announce that J. J. Taylor in Tampa, FL has signed with Cirrus to provide our Semi-Automated Case Picking System. For J. J. Taylor, this is the second time they have chosen Cirrus Tech for warehouse automation.
Cirrus Tech Completes The Crane System Implementation at Cherokee Distributing Company
In May 2019 Cirrus Tech completed The Crane System installation at Cherokee Distributing Company. The Cirrus team is now providing the company with 24/7/365 world-class support for their system.
The Cirrus Semi-Automated Case Picking System has been Implemented at J. J. Taylor Distributing in Tampa, FL
Cirrus is proud to announce the completion of the Cirrus Semi-Automated Case Picking System at J. J. Taylor Distributing in Tampa, FL. We are currently providing them with 24/7/365 world-class support for their system.
Cirrus Tech Completes The Crane System Implementation at Fisher59
In December 2019 Cirrus completed The Crane System installation at Fisher59 in Denton, TX. The Cirrus team is now providing the company with 24/7/365 world-class support for their system.
Cirrus Tech Signs their 9th and 10th Automated System in the Beverage Wholesaler Sector! Wilsbach Distributors and Long Beverage
It is hard to believe that when Cirrus embarked on our automation journey into the beer wholesaler/beverage world just over 7 years ago that we would now see our 9th and 10th systems being ordered and readying for install in mid-2021 to coincide with our clients construction projects. Nine of the ten automated systems have come in just the last 5 years. We are proud to have signed Wilsbach Distributors and Long Beverage with The Cirrus Tech Crane System that will be implemented in 2021.
Gulf Distributing Company of Birmingham Chooses The Cirrus Tech Crane System
We are proud to announce that Cirrus Tech has signed Gulf Distributing Company of Birmingham, LLC (GDCB) with The Cirrus Tech Crane System. GDCB is in the process of a new build construction project that will be their flagship location in the Birmingham area.
Adams Beverages Chooses The Cirrus Semi-Automated Case Picking System
We are pleased to announce that Adams Beverages, Inc. in Charlotte, NC has just signed with Cirrus Tech to implement the Cirrus Semi-Automated Case Picking System. This newest signing marks Cirrus’ 12th beverage distributor automation system.
New Hampshire Distributors, LLC. Chooses The Cirrus Tech Crane System
We are excited to announce that Cirrus Tech has signed New Hampshire Distributors, LLC. with The Cirrus Tech Crane System marking their 13th beverage distributor with automation. New Hampshire Distributors, LLC. will be building a new expansion and will be implementing The Crane System inside the area.
Cirrus Tech Completes The Crane System Implementation at Wilsbach Distributors
In December of 2021 Cirrus Tech completed The Crane System installation at Wilsbach Distributors. The Cirrus team is now providing the company with 24/7/365 world-class support for their system.
Frank B. Fuhrer Wholesale Company Signs with The Cirrus Tech Crane System
We are pleased to announce that Frank B. Fuhrer Wholesale Company has signed with Cirrus Tech to put in a Cirrus Crane System in their new warehouse building. This marks Cirrus’ 14th beverage distributor with a Cirrus automated solution.
Cirrus Tech Signs Eagle Rock of Colorado to provide Our First Higher Levels of Automation Solution!
On August 18th, Cirrus Tech signed contracts with Eagle Rock of Colorado to its first Higher Levels of Automation Project. The system will grow with them from 10 million cases a year to over 17 million cases a year all while providing them with a 3 – 5 year ROI. With the construction of the expansion to house the system and the integration of the Cirrus system, it will be a while before you can see this system up and running. But it is coming! As an aside, to put that system in and to run 17M cases a year out of it, it took just shy of 200,000 SQ feet.
Cirrus Tech Completes the Gulf Distributing Company of Birmingham, LLC Crane System Installation

Gulf Distributing Company of Mobile Chooses Cirrus Tech for a 2nd Time with Automation with The Cirrus Crane System
Cirrus Tech has signed Gulf Distributing Company of Mobile with The Cirrus Tech Crane System. This marks the 2nd time that Gulf Holdings, L.L.C. has chosen Cirrus Tech with Automation. We look forward to the implementation of the system at their new location, which includes an expansion to building as well.
Cirrus Tech Completes the New Hampshire Distributors Installation of The Cirrus Crane System
We are proud to announce that the New Hampshire Distributors Crane System installation is now complete. The Cirrus Install Team did an amazing job on the implementation and it was a pleasure to work with the New Hampshire Distributors team during the installation of the system.
Cirrus Tech Signs Euclid Beverage with the Cirrus Tech Crane System
Euclid Beverage has chosen Cirrus Tech with The Cirrus Tech Crane System for their Aurora, IL location. The Euclid Beverage team evaluated automation for their new expansion project and decided to put in a Cirrus Crane System for the project. We are proud to have Euclid Beverage as a part of the Cirrus Tech Family.
King Beverage in Spokane, WA Chooses Cirrus Tech with Automation
King Beverage Inc. is Spokane Washington’s Premier Anheuser-Busch Distributor and they have been looking for ways to gain space and efficiencies within their operations. King Beverage chose The Cirrus Tech Crane System for their new build construction project. This signing marks Cirrus’ 18th automation project in the beer wholesaler industry.
The Frank B. Fuhrer Wholesale Company Crane System Implementation has been completed by the Cirrus Tech Install Team
We are pleased to announce that the Frank B. Fuhrer Wholesale Company Crane System installation is now complete. The install of the system was a culmination of amazing planning and outstanding project management throughout the entire implementation. Thank you to all the efforts by the Cirrus install team and the Frank B. Fuhrer Wholesale Company team.